Spiked Coffee Sundae


For the Coffee and Whisky Caramel Sauce

1 cup coffee sugar

100g unsalted butter, cubed

½ cup cream

¼ cup espresso or brewed instant coffee

30ml whisky

Pinch of salt

1 cup cream

8 scoops of vanilla bean ice cream

Grated dark chocolate, to garnish

½ cup slithered almonds, to garnish


1. To make the caramel, place coffee crystals into a saucepan over medium-low heat. Cook stirring until sugar has dissolved. Cook for a few minutes until it has turned a dark amber colour.

2. Whisk in butter, 1 cube at a time. Remove from the heat and add the cream, espresso, whisky and salt. Stir to combine to create a smooth caramel sauce. Remove to a bowl and allow to cool.

3. Place the other cup of cream into a bowl. Add half the cool caramel and whisk to soft peaks. This can be done with an electric mixer or by hand.

4. In 4 cold serving glasses, add 2 scoops of ice cream to each glass. Dollop the whipped caramel cream on top, drizzle with the coffee and whisky caramel sauce, grate over dark chocolate and sprinkle each with slithered almonds.

Click here to see how it’s made!

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